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The postpartum period is a challenging time. Nurturing your baby both during pregnancy and postpartum, is very demanding on your body.

This demand on your body, depletes your nutrients leaving you feeling tired, fatigue, irritable, and emotional.

Nutrition is SO important during this postpartum period. Food is medicine!

But how do you eat well when you’re so tired and drained?

How do you eat healthy when you have a crying baby?

I’ve got the tools to help you in this postpartum period whether you’re 2 weeks postpartum or 5 years postpartum! I’m here to help you regain the energy you’re yearning for and really enjoy motherhood.




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What is the Postpartum Approach Course?


This program is for you if you want to:

Regain your energy,

yes even when your newborn is waking you up every couple hours

Nourish yourself

You basically just ran a marathon with labor and delivery, and now with breastfeeding! you really want to make sure you’re nourishing yourself

Improve your sleep

you might not be getting a full 8-10hrs of sleep *sigh*, but the little sleep you DO get, will be quality sleep

Feel better about your weight

You don’t have to wait until you’re done breastfeeding to feel good about your weight


Just because you’re a “mom” doesn’t mean you have to feel tired all the time

Just because you’re a “breastfeeding mom” doesn’t mean you have to be stuck in your weight

Just because you’re a “mom” doesn’t mean you can’t take care of yourself

STOP running on low energy and finally feel good about yourself in the postpartum period!


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What you’ll learn in this course

-Nutrition 101: understanding the basics

-Nutrition for postpartum healing and recovery

-How to put a meal together with a baby/toddler

-How to create a balanced plate

-Supplements and labs to have checked for optimal healing

-My top pantry items to have

-Nutrition for breastfeeding including milk supply, breastfeeding issues, improving the quality of your breastmilk, and food sensitivities

-Weight management and your prepregnancy weight

-How nutrition can affect your mood, your energy and even your sleep

-How to ask for help and find your village

-Resources and activities that you can implement today

-a full Meal Guide with 50+ meals and snacks

-PLUS a private support group where you’ll have access to myself (dietitian and lactation consultant) to further support you in your journey

I will provide you with the tips and tricks that I've been teaching my clients for years


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Take a look inside the course:


How is the information presented?

The information is a mixture of PDFs, recorded powerpoint presentations, recorded videos, video demonstrations, handouts, plus a live support group with support and accountability from a dietitian/lactation consultant and other moms



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What have others said:

Britt  A

“The postpartum approach was thorough and helpful as I prepare for my 4th trimester. As a new mom, sometimes I don’t know what to expect or what questions to ask. This course helped me anticipate what I will need and how to maintain myself and my baby. The power points were clear and the videos were helpful, especially the breastfeeding 101. Thanks to Aloha Nutrition, I now have a “nursing station” set up and ready, I have some new food plans for nutritious meals that I can have while breastfeeding, and ideas on how to get some sleep while caring for a newborn! I would definitely recommend this course.”


Claire I

The Postpartum Approach was everything that I didn’t know I needed for the postpartum period with my first child. The saying “you don’t know what you don’t know” could not have been more true when it came to my first postpartum experience. I was exhausted, emotional, and quite frankly drowning in the tasks that come along with being a new mother. I had no clue what I was doing and wished at the time that I had done more to educate myself and prepare for what was to come during the postpartum period. I had no clue that the postpartum period was even called the 4th Trimester, but I learned that it was the hardest trimester very quickly. Enter the Postpartum Approach. This course is a completely thorough course that teaches you everything you need to know about the 4th Trimester. You learn about the importance of nutrition for postpartum recover and nourishing another human, you learn about breastfeeding, but most importantly you learn what to expect during this crazy period and how to navigate it with Allegra as your guide. You learn what healing will look like and how to support healing with food and community, you learn the importance of open communication with your partner, you learn about delegating tasks to friends and family, you learn about exercise, you learn about finding your village! With the knowledge learned from the Postpartum Approach, I am SO excited to enter into a new pregnancy and put everything I learned into practice. I know that this time around I have all of the knowledge, resources, and community I need to have a successful 4th Trimester.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I enroll if my baby is 15 months old?

Yes! The information you will learn about nutrition and creating healthy habits, can be applied your entire life!

What format is the content given in?

The information is given via videos, downloadable PDFs, handouts, PowerPoint with recordings

I’m vegan/vegetarian, will this information be helpful?

Yes! While I do talk about animal products, I do talk a lot about plant based. Many of the recipes in the Meal Guide can also easily be made vegetarian/vegan. The tips about nutrition and creating a balanced plate, will also be helpful

Can I enroll if I haven’t had my baby yet?

Yes! Even better! You’ll have plenty of time to prepare and be more equipped to conquer the postpartum period/fourth trimester!

How long do I have access to this course?

As long as Teachable (the platform I’m using) stays in business…which I think is a good while 😉


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Allegra Gast is a Registered Dietitian, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, a Postpartum Doula, but most importantly a mom and wife. Allegra is passionate about helping moms in the postpartum period regain their energy, and feel confident in their new role as a mother.